sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

Obrigado Tohei Sensei

Koichi Tohei sensei.  Photo from Ki Society International.
É com imenso pesar que compartilho com todos neste blog o falecimento de nosso mestre Koichi Tohei Sensei, aos 91 anos de idade.

Segue mensagem enviada pela matriz da Sociedade de Ki no Japão:

"We regret to inform you that Koichi Tohei Sensei passed away at 9:14 this morning.
He was 91 years old.

Two weeks ago, he had sense of discomfort on his chest and it was found that
he had inflammation of the lungs, so he had been receiving treatment.
He went to intensive-care unit (ICU) twice and came back to general ward each time
with his strength of Ki, however, his heart got weak little by little this morning
and passed away.

After discussion in his family and it was decided that the closed funeral will be held within his
family including Shinichi Tohei Sensei and the formal funeral for all members will be
held in Tokyo some weeks later for those who would like to be present.

The date and place of the formal funeral will be announced to all of you after decided.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience but would appreciate your kind understanding
for the above.


Wataru Hatakeyama
(sent on behalf of Shinichi Tohei Sensei)
Overseas Division
Ki Society H.Q."

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